- Ian's mediastinoscopy was successful and revealed that he does not have lymphoma; instead he has sarcoidosis, which will require regular monitoring but thankfully they think he doesn't need treatment at the moment. He's also borderline diabetic with a bad liver, so doing the steroid treatment would essentially make that explode. So we're trying to get healthy and loose weight again.
- I lost nearly all of my flock to a coyote/fox attack, only one Cuckoo and Fifi were spared. A month ago I got six month-old chicks; two black Australorps, two Rhode Island Reds, and two gold-laced Wyandottes. All are doing well despite being locked in the coop 24/7. I'd like to get a bantam roo, but... who knows.
- We learned Happy has allergies, something seasonal or weed related. We had such a cool wet Spring and now such a cool Summer that the weeds have just been growing and blooming forever.
- Had some good times with my brother and cousins while they were out here visiting. I wish everyone lived closer or could travel easier; it's always so good to see them. :)
- Grandpa had a PETscan yesterday to get a better picture of the "worrisome spot" on his lung. We won't have a review of it until next Tuesday with Dr.Eberhard, but it's unlikely to be benign. It's so, so hard to see him sort of wasting away -he's not losing weight or anything, it's just the slow and steady loss of abilities, and I know it's rough on him too. Sometimes I just wish I could stop time and have everything be fixed, but I know it doesn't work that way. "Life IS pain, Highness. Anyone who says different is selling something." :P
- I had a nerve conduction test on Friday which HURT, but showed that my nerves are undamaged but that I'm also borderline carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand, whoopee! So it's definitely ulnar neuritis (not neuropathy) and I have to go on anti-inflammatories for an "extended period" and have an MRI next Thursday. Just so long as I never have to have the shock treatment again, GAH! For the past three nights I've taken a vicodin at bedtime, and it's given me at least five hours of solid sleep, which is way more that before but I still have to deal with it during the day. Hopefully the anti-inflammatories will help. Sweet baby Jesus, I hope so.
- Ian's all set to have his shoulder surgery on Thursday to repair his labrum tear. Eight weeks in a sling, whee!
- Our house has cancer. At least, that's what I'm going to call all the rot –house cancer. We knew the back porch was stage IV, the old bathroom seemed to have had a successful excision, and we thought the bedroom was cancer-free... BUT NO. In removing all the bookcases and dressers to make room for the new bookcases, I peeked under the plywood –visions of the new subfloor and vinyl tile dancing gaily through my head– and beheld several rotted holes. *poof* There went the visions of quick new flooring. I put the carpet back in place and just walked away. Not ready to deal with that. Can't even bring myself to take up all the plywood and have a real good look. It's just going to be massive, I know it, all the flooring and joists and probably the walls and foundations will just be wasted away from house cancer. Feckle-dee-feck-FECK. Ian's going to be in a sling for months, I'm useless, and we have negative amounts of money. WHAT NOW?
I'm just going to go live in a tent in the back yard. Heck, maybe I'll move in with the chickens.