Sunday, March 13, 2011

These go to 11...

Man, I wish Buckethead was well enough to tour again. I'm digging Clutch again lately, too. Missed out on tickets for Beats Antique's Fillmore show though, hopefully they'll play Hopmonk in Sebastopol during Tribal Fest this year. Haven't been to a show of theirs but the music is good and the videos I've seen look like the live show is quite the experience.

But Buckethead! I have so missed his shows! When was the last time I saw him, 2008? Yeah, I think so...

I hope he's recovering well. It's rather selfish to wish he'd tour again, but he is just SO AMAZING.

It sounds like I could use a good night out with some loud music, eh?

In other news, I sold Stella today. Le sigh. I wish I had the brains and skill to have kept her, but an automatic is really what I need if I'm going to scoot. I ain'ts cool enough for the old school. :\ Ah well, if it's meant to be one will come my way. In the meantime the tires on my two bikes are pumped up and I can use the legwork...

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